We think it is crucial, as well as a duty toward supporters Dokita that we know are sensitive to the issues of concern to the so-called developing countries, analyze topics of transnational breath and that always see more intrinsically connected our country and more in general the Old Continent, with the countries of origin of many “Aliens” that increasingly characterize in multicultural sense our everyday reality. The theme of migration and development here will be treated under different aspects.
First, we will try to clarify the issue of migration from a terminological point of view. We know how the words can easily be a source of prejudice and deep misunderstandings of (and in the society in which we live. We, therefore, data and updates on the migration phenomenon in Italy and we will try to propose readings and interpretations, to put forward proposals for better integration. To learn more go to News Section.
Whereas our specificity in terms of international cooperation, we also want to discuss with you the specific projects and reflect on that bond which elapses between migration and development.